• Virtual Consultation with the doula of your choice

  • 1 in-person Prenatal visit

  • Access to doula via phone call/text leading up to labor

  • In-person labor support at birthing facility of your choice

  • 1 in-person postpartum visit


  • $1,200



  • Virtual Consultation with the doula of your choice

  • 2 in-person Prenatal visits

  • Access to doula via phone call/text leading up to labor

  • In-person labor support at birthing facility of your choice

  • 2 in-person postpartum visits (1 week & 6 weeks)


  • $1,600

meet the doulas


Hi, I’m Kenzie! My husband and I are high school sweethearts and we have two rambunctious little girls, ages 3 and 5. We live in Anderson where he runs our family business and leads a marriage ministry in our church. I have a passion for all things pregnancy, labor, and birth. The entire process is the only proof of God I will ever need. I love supporting women through this sacred journey into motherhood as it was designed to be.

When I was pregnant with my second child I discovered doula work and quickly fell in love. I received training from DONA International for birth doula and postpartum doula work. I also received a certificate in lactation support through my training with DONA. I have been a doula for three years and have assisted many births of all kinds (home birth, birthing center, and hospital) for clients all across the surrounding counties of Indianapolis. I have such a passion for supporting families through this special part of life, and doing so with the goal of having a positive experience with birth.


I have been passionate about holistic health and nutrition since I was a teenager, and I became a fitness coach and a health coach by following that passion.

Through my own pregnancies and births, and having the support of a doula, a new passion was born in me. This passion became a dream to one day become a birth coach/ doula myself. It was a dream to help other mamas have the most wonderful pregnancies and deliveries as possible. It was a passion to help mama and baby connect and have a bond that is so incredibly special. It was also a passion to empower a mom to find a strength within herself that she didn’t know she had. However, this dream was put on the back burner for a while…. Being a stay at home mom was wonderful and such a blessing, but as my little ones were no longer little, I felt God nudging me to take a step of faith and become a doula. I said, “Here I am, Lord! Send me!” I was so excited to serve God and families in this way! I went back to school and completed my doula certification. Becoming a doula truly felt like a calling, like something I was created to do.


I am a wife, mother of 2 sweet girls, believer in Jesus, and lover of all creatures big and small. I love music, dinners with my family, baking, and birth! Though that last one may be self explanatory!

My fascination with women's health began with my own journey to learn more about fertility. Through my research I discovered the Fertility Awareness Method. Using the Fertility Awareness Method allowed me to understand more about my hormones and cycle, which helped me achieve my first pregnancy. Educating myself as an adult has made me realize how little we truly learn about the processes our bodies go through as women. I want to be able to help women understand their options for pregnancy, birth and beyond.

phone consultation with a doula